Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nik Wallenda Completes Blindfolded Walk Above the Chicago River, Shares His Next Frightening Goal

Daredevil acrobat Nik Wallenda has done it again!

The high-wire artist successful completed his latest challenge high above the Chicago River Sunday night live on the Discovery Channel.

The first challenge featured Wallenda walking uphill at a 15-degree angle from the Marina City west tower to the top of a skyscraper on the other side of the Chicago River.

Soon after, he walked completely blindfolded between the two Marina City towers, memorable landmarks in Chicago.

"My life is inspiring people. How am I going to inspire people to never give up if I don't allow myself to become better?" he explained Sunday night. "It's very easy to become complacent when you've done something for seven generations…It's all about pushing myself."

Despite some light, unexpected winds in the Windy City, Wallenda landed safe and sound as 65,000 people cheered him on from the ground.

His brave actions earned him two new Guinness World Records including highest incline tight-rope walk and highest blindfolded tight-rope walk.

This wasn't the first scary stunt Wallenda has completed. Last summer, the daredevil walked across a gorge in the Grand Canyon with no harness or safety net.

"There was no point where I thought I was going to fall for sure, but there were points where I was thinking, 'Man, I wish I could just relax,'" he revealed on the Today show shortly after his accomplishment. "I was working for every single foot to get across that wire."

And before we catch our breaths from the anxiety we experienced Sunday night, Wallenda already has big plans for next year.

He hopes to walk on another rope 600 feet high and 1,000 feet long. This time, however, comes with an added twist.

"I've never done a headstand on a wire before," he told hosts Natalie Morales and Willie Geist. Gulp! Let the training continue!

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